Dream World
Monday, April 23, 2012
January 5, 2013
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
September 18, 2013
Monday, May 30, 2011
Thursday, May 12, 2011
June 29, 2013
Well this is the first time in ages that I've actually been able to write an entry down, and believe me I've been getting tossed left and right when it comes to what's going on in my life, from my job, to my family and friends, to trying to get things going when it comes to my film studio that I want to get started. Of course what also doesn't help is the sudden surge in book signing that I've been doing like crazy, which mind you, I don't mind doing in the least, but my lawyers have been telling me that several major studios have come forth trying to get the rights to film a movie version of my first book. Of course I'm still working on my second book in the series, and I've told my lawyer that I want personal meetings with each of these studios and that they have to come to me, I won't be coming to them at all, that way it leaves me in complete control over the meetings that take place.
Of course the one major thing that has happened in my life is the one thing that I knew would eventually happen, it's just that it took forever to get to court and get started, and that is my suing a certain girl named Corinne. Besides her having to pay several dozen fines for refusing to actually show up in court (I wasn't about to do the phone thing with her, I wanted her to see my face the entire time), we were finally able to get her to come to here to come to court. The judge had asked in private if I wanted her to face jail time, and I told him that that was the one thing that she would never be able to handle at all, and I would never put her through what I had gone through (even though I had thought about doing it several times). No it was better off if the jails and prisons were left for those that were too dangerous for the outside world (though of course that notion will never make it to the DA's of this world at all since they think that everyone should be locked up any way).
Anyway, the one thing that I'm trying to get from Corinne is that she experience my life and everything that I go through for one year, so that not only does she learn the truth of my life and my world, but at the same time she gains a better understanding of everything that happens in it as well. So if I happen to win, she'll be living at my apartment in the guest room for the next year, though at the rate that things are going, it may end up being next year that she ends up spending that year with me. Hell yesterday Corinne's lawyer stated that Corinne wanted this to be a jury trial, problem is she didn't have that choice in the matter, I've left it up to the judge to decide the fate of this one, yeah it was up to me to decide at the start if this was going to be a jury trial or not, and I was not about to leave this to chance that it would either be split or side with her on this. Though the judge may end up siding with Corinne either way, but its better then having a jury to decide that little fate. Anyway, I'll you all know what happens, and how everything is going to go down when it does.
Another thing that I've been able to get started this past week, was the start of my fan film Spider-Moon, based on my fan fiction cross over story that I had written. Someone asked me how I was going to film the entire thing, she thought that it was going to be animated, no I'm doing the entire thing live action, which in itself is going to be a challenge with all of the powers that I'm going to have put into the movie, and the locations, are ones that I have to find here, since I can't go over seas to film in Tokyo Japan. Personally I can't wait to get everything going and filmed. Of course it's going to be put both on its own web site and that of YouTube as well. Can't wait to see the hits on both sites when everything gets finished and put up.
Well now that I've updated everyone on what was going on in my life, I'll let you be and stop burning your eyes out here. Till next time.
Friday, April 29, 2011
June 19, 2013
Sorry that I haven't written in a couple of days, I've not only been working (yeah I got the mail room job), but I've also been dealing with my family and friends. I've had people left and right stopping by to say not only hi, but also to just talk, so this has been the only moment that I've had in order to be able to get anything done at all when it comes to the docu-blog I've been writing, however given that I'm doing this just before I go to bed, it only goes to show you how tired I've been, though when I do get the chance (though it won't be tonight) I will be writing up what's been going on not only for the past several days, but also for the days that are going to be coming up.
Now please understand that I've got several things that are going to be going on when it comes to my writing (since I've been working on the second book to my Time Tracker series, which everyone of you have been waiting for like crazy, yeah I've been reading the web sites blog postings), my agent has told me about an offer to turn the book into a television series for SyFy Channel, which mind you is great, however I'm just worried about how they're going to be handling everything.
Anyway, I'll let you all go for now, and no I don't know when I'll be getting back on since I'm going to be working like crazy right now and just about dealing with a hundred different things at once. So till then…
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Well had to get a few more things directed, and understand that this is actually harder then it looks since I'm doing literally two things at once, plus a friend had shown up to talk to me, however he realized what was going on and soon left (not that I blame him since even I couldn't keep up with the conversation that he was trying to hold with me. Anyway, I was talking about the places that I had been going to while I had been traveling back here from California…and it looks like I'm going to be needed more with the directing the guys (and quite a few gals) then I'll be able to write on this, so I will get back to this when I can, but who knows if it's going to be today or not…till then however…ugh.
Sorry about that, but had to make sure that some of the furniture was put into the right place, it seems that I say one thing and these guys are hearing something else (damn I'm wishing I knew how to speak mover). Anyway, the one good thing is that I'm hearing from my friends on Facebook and even they're loving the fact that I'm at long last getting off on my own, and quite a few even loved the cross country docu-webisode series that I had made, after all I did take quite a bit of time to actually film that since I had gotten the chance to actually go to places that I had never seen before, and since no one could actually be there in person…damn it not again... please hold on…